Nessis Value Calculator
Company Name
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All fields are required before saving. Please enter values into each of the yellow highlighted fields. Remaining fields will get calculated on the fly.
Operation Cost Conservative Estimates Savings Opportunity Remaining Ops Cost When Nessis is Implemented Savings
Total Number of Employees
Average Hourly Wage of Each Employee
Minutes of Down Time Associated with Document Retrieval - per Person per Day
Technician Down Time per Month in Wages
Calculating losses due to waiting for information
NOTE: The number of employees allows us to calculate the dedicated monthly cost of production. The wage is what allows us to assign a dollar value to the time saved and influences the rest of the calculator.
SOP Specialists Conservative Estimates Savings Opportunity Remaining Ops Cost When Nessis is Implemented Savings
Total Employees Full Time Dedicated to SOPs
Average Hourly Wage of Each SOP Employee
Dedicated Cost a Month
Percent of Labour Wages Dedicated To SOPs
SOP Building and Maintenance Conservative Estimates Savings Opportunity Remaining Ops Cost When Nessis is Implemented Savings
Total Number of SOPs
Average Amount of Hours to Update one SOP
Average Number of SOPs That are Updated a Month
Hours Spent Maintaining the Database in a Month
Hours Spent Reviewing and Authorizing a Month
Total Time Maintaining SOP's per Month
Cost of Maintaining the Database Every Month
Calculating the cost to build and maintain Standards and SOP's
Cost of Not Using Current SOP System Conservative Estimates Savings Opportunity Remaining Ops Cost When Nessis is Implemented Savings
Number of Defects in a Month
Value of Defects
Number of Reworks in a Month
Cost to Rework and Opportunity Cost
Cost to Company per Month
How much is Defects costing your business?
Employee Turn Over Costs Conservative Estimates Savings Opportunity Remaining Ops Cost When Nessis is Implemented Savings
Number of Employees That Turn Over in a Year
Number of Hours to Train an Employee
Trainers Time Consumed
Productive Man Hours of Trainer and Employee
Time Not Used Concurrently
Cost of Training Per Employee
Cost to Company per Month
This may also apply to people moving from Department to Department - increasing flexability
What Can Nessis Do? BEFORE AFTER
Technician Down Time Eliminated per Month in Wages
Operator Waste Time Eliminated Per Month in Wages
Amount Of Waste Prevented in a Month
Amount Saved in Employee Turn Over a Month
Total Saved By Nessis Every Month
Total Saved By Nessis in 1 Year